Recap: Data & Analytics Convention

  • Recap: Data & Analytics Convention

    Majdi Hentati

    When life gives you lemons, make a Data & Analytics Convention. That’s what we did on April 10th. On a sunny day, we came together on the Woudestein campus of EUR to enrich our knowledge on the realm of data with seasoned people from the field. 

    The convention kicked off with a talk given by Feiko Bierman, head of data and analytics at Valantic NL. Feiko painted for us the journey of data in a digital agency that helps different businesses achieve their targets by unlocking the power of data. From raw, unorganised, and unfathomable data to intelligible and friendly information, Feiko delved into each step to unleash the power of data. 


    While Feiko and his team in Valantic NL focus on working with other companies, Andy Postma, lead CRM at Nederlands Loterij, and his team are in charge of giving people access to a market leader in the gaming and gambling world. Throughout his talk, Andy talked to us about AI and its implementation in their work’s processes to mitigate the challenges encountered in crafting an impactful campaign. Andy did not shy away from sharing with us the challenges and mistakes that happened in the past from which his team learned a lot for future campaigns.


    Finally, Dr Dan Schley, a marketing professor at RSM, talked to us about Artificial Intelligence and the challenges the field encounters in its development. 


    To end the day on a beautiful note, networking drinks took place at the Paviljoen. We would like to thank everyone who came and contributed to the success of the event. Special thanks to the committee that worked tirelessly to make this happen. To conclude, we would like to express our appreciation to Feiko Bierman, Andy Postma, Coco Wiertz, and Dr Dan Schley for contributing to the event with their invaluable knowledge.